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BADWest champions and further advances the art of Black documentary filmmakers across the Diaspora. We maintain our commitment to promote and increase the impact of documentary filmmaking within Southern California.

About BADWest
The Black Association of Documentary Filmmakers West (BADWest) was formed in July of 2003 by iconic filmmaker St. Clair Bourne as a collective of documentary filmmakers of African descendant working and residing on the West Coast. Since its inception we have continually held monthly general meeting providing industry speakers, information on resources for production, funding sources, festivals and distribution; as well as screening works-in-progress and completed docs for feedback and discussion. Our members are diverse in experience, and range from recent film-school grads to to experience documentary filmmakers with award winning features produced for major broadcast outlets.
2007, unexpectedly became a watershed for the organization, for Decembers marked the sudden, untimely death of our co-founder St. Clair Bourne. As we strive to continue the goals of our mission, we are proud to further the legacy of St. Clair Bourne by living up to our commitment to assist documentarians, and increase the impact of documentary filmmaking within our community.
Our Partners.

The Black Association of Documentary Filmmakers West, LLC is a project of Fulcrum Arts' Emerge fiscal sponsorship program.
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