S. Pearl Sharpe
Writer, Director, Producer, Documentary Film Consultant,
Writer, Director, Producer, Documentary Film Consultant,
S. Pearl Sharp has focused her work for six decades on cultural arts, Black Diaspora
history and wellness. Her films include The Healing Passage/ Voices From The
Water (2004) which aired on The Documentary Channel, Life Is A Saxophone on
poet-griot Kamau Daáood, poetry on film in Back Inside Herself and Channeled, the
health video It’s OK To Peek with Arabella Chavers Julien and the semi-animated
short Picking Tribes, with art by Carlos Spivey, now archived in the Women Make
Movies collection of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Working
with Exec. Producer Rosie Lee Hooks she wrote and directed a dozen cultural arts
docs for the City of Los Angeles’ Channel 35, including Central Avenue Live!
Sharp’s published writing includes four volumes of poetry, the documentary comic
book Black Women For Beginners, and her essays and commentaries broadcast on
NPR and Pacifica Radio are collected in The Evening News. She has released two
poetry w/jazz CDs and an audio collection of original short stories. Still instigating
through art new work includes the one-act play Give Me Liberty and a documentary
poetry video Blood Bank.
A cultural activist, she published the 1980 Directory of Black Film-TV Artists and
Technicians, West Coast to push Hollywood to employ more Blacks on crews, was a
co-founder of the Black Anti- Defamation Coalition {“the BAD C”}which monitored
the image of Blacks in the media, and is a founding member of BAD West.